20 December

The street performance by LiberTune was held on Dec 18 for disadvantaged MS patients in Iran.

Special thanks to the LiberTune band, and all of you for attending this event.


PEYWAND is proud to announce that with the help of kind supporters has been able to support 200 cases. PEYWAND appreciates your continued support, looks forward to your continuing contribution and hopes its tree bears more and more.

Together we're stronger than MS
This year on the occasion of world MS day on Wednesday, 27 May, we went to a public place in Vienna and distributed info-sheets and orange balloons to the passers.

Today, Sina participated together with his friends in "Vienna City Marathon" as a representative of PEYWAND. Dear Sina, Congrats on your achievement and special thanks for the effort to support PEYWAND.

Marathon Peywand


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Peywand - Iranischer Solidaritätsverein

Liechtensteinstrasse 79/2

A-1090 Wien

Email: info@peywand.at