About Peywand

PEYWAND as a non-governmental, non-profit and non-political organization is registered under number 195085017 of the Social Affairs Department for NGO activities at the Ministry of Interior in Austria. This organization aims to help patients in Iran, in particular MS patients, who have been facing serious problems due to sanctions. Some of the main problems include a critical drug shortage, galloping medical care costs, and financial difficulties. Sanctions have had a significant impact on patients’ lives and have reduced their ability to procure the necessary treatment. The main goal of this organization is to bring all people from all over the world together in supporting patients who are in dire need of our help. Transparency, trust, and accountability are the most valued principles at PEYWAND. We hope that with your support and donation nobody is refused treatment or dies because of inability to pay the treatment costs.

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Get In Touch

Peywand - Iranischer Solidaritätsverein

Liechtensteinstrasse 79/2

A-1090 Wien

Email: info@peywand.at